The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, issues a third statement on the implementation of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) requirements for third-country issuers under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) reporting regime.
ESMA announced that it will give market participants 6 months notice if there is a change in its position as per below:
“On 13 April 2021, ESMA updated its statement and extended the timeline for acceptance of SFT reports without the LEI of third-country issuers (that do not have an LEI) of securities which are lent, borrowed or provided as collateral in an SFT until 10 October 2022”
“ESMA will give advance notice of at least six months to market participants regarding its position on the reporting of LEI for third-country issuers ahead of the date of application of this requirement in the SFTR validation rules.”